Key Social Media Metrics That Matter for Your Business

In the last post we discussed a few  social media marketing techniques to boost your business growth. More the social media channels you have,more will be your referral traffic.As your data goes bigger,it becomes important to track and analyze these channels to find out what really works for you. Here are a few key social media metrics you must track that will help you to refine your campaign.

social media metric


This metric helps you to measure average engagement rate of your followers.As I mentioned in the last post,many social media marketers believe increase “number of followers” is a signal of successful social media campaign.But,its not numbers but the way your fans/followers get engaged to your page.For eg: In case of Facebook,the number “People talking about this” matters more than the number of likes.”People talking about this” is the metric  that shows how many people  actually –

  • like a page
  • post on the page wall
  • like a post
  • comment on a post
  • mention the page in a post
  • tag the page in a photo
  • check in at a place
  • share a check-in deal
  • like a check-in deal
  • write a recommendation
  • claim an offer


According to Facebook,Post reach is the number of unique people who view your post. Your post  is said to reach someone when it’s shown in News Feed. These are the numbers for the first 28 days after a post was created and include people viewing your post on all the devices.

You can check and analyze the reach of  your posts in the Posts tab of your Page Insights. The Reach tab will help you to view graphs of your Facebook’s total reach and post reach.

Just like Google’s Page rank,Facebook has its own EdgeRank.

EdgeRank is the name commonly given to the algorithm that Facebook uses to determine what articles should be displayed in a user’s News Feed.

3)Referral Traffic

Google Analytics shows you referral traffic  metric.Once you click on social network,you will get an overview of all social media channels.Using goals in Google  Analytics,you can measure which referral traffic is working for you.

Remember that the total acquisitions or referral traffic  from social media is far lower than from organic traffic from search engines, the Return Visit % shows the social  network’s importance to your business.

4)Sentiment Measurement

Technically,Sentiment Analysis  determines the attitude of a speaker or a writer with respect to some topic or referring to some document in a specific niche. This attitude may be his or her evaluation of that particular topic.The  sentiment measurement also involves  analysis of comments or feedback your fans leave on social media sites such as blogs and social networks. Here.instead of analyzing words, sentiment analysis recognizes your  Fan or Follower’s attitude towards your page/brand by using dimensions mainly  like context, tone, emotion.

5)Share of Voice

Share of Voice is the metric that refers to number of conversations of your brand versus that of your competitors. The SOV(Share of Voice) is calculated as number of conversations of your brand divided by total number of conversations of your competitor’s brand.You can use SocialMention to calculate Share of Voice.

These social media metrics should be tracked on regular basis as it will help you to optimize your campaign and further achieve your set  goals.We at BMConsulting make it a point to monitor them regularly and report client accordingly.

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