Banner Advertisements: Obvious and Short Messages

Tackling Banner Advertisements

 In order to boost your online sales, banner advertisements can become a work of art, but like every other form of marketing; you need to know how to create a perfect banner commercial. And for that, you need to first deal with the main issues related to banner advertisements.

Banner ads cartoon

The Problems

There are mainly two problems associated with banner advertisements which need to be tackled in an efficient manner.

  • The integral problem with them is that, it disrupts the viewer of the advertisement, of what they were initially doing on the internet which is usually either researching or engaging on social media or enjoying a video. Since you are creating a friction with your potential consumer, your focus should be on “inbound” marketing and avoiding any disruptive advertisement.
  • The other problem is that these commercials slow down your web surfing as well as your computer performance, which often leads to people installing ad blocking software.

Tips for a Successful Banner Advertisement

Like any other form of advertising, you need to be clear of what you what and how you want to represent in order to stand out of the crowd. This is the same with online banner commercials.

  • You will end up with a poor ad performance if you post your commercial on every website you find. You should take the time out to find out which websites your potential customers view and post your commercials accordingly. Thus, the first thing you should do is to create a list of ideal choices of websites and blogs where you can publish your banner ads and contact those websites directly. Maintaining a good relationship with the owners of these web operators will help you in the long run.
  • You should start out by testing your commercial. This means, posting the first banner ad to see where it sticks, what its shortfalls are and how you can improve your web presence in the next banner advertisement. This also helps you understand how important it is to be creative and innovative in web marketing and how you can catch your customer’s interest on the internet.
  • The next thing you need to know is where to post your ad on a website. Most internet surfers follow the “F” Shaped Pattern. They read from left to right, usually first scanning the top of the page, return to the left and can the middle. They finally return to the left column and scroll from there. According to this pattern, the best place for your banner is likely to be in the top left corner of the website. However, it also depends on the layout of the website.
  • When you post your banner, you should give some thought as to where you will send your banner ad traffic. Depending on what you are promoting in your advertisement you can send them to-
  1. Your Home Page.
  2. A Category Page.
  3. A Product Page.
  4. A Promotional Page.

Buying Banner Advertisements

There are two ways to buy banner advertisements. –

  •  One-Off Banner Ads In this you are directly reaching out to the web operator regarding your advertising campaign and pay the nominal rates they ask for. You should work on becoming a resident advertiser on these websites. This will help you in building a relationship with their regular visitors. Keep on changing your advertising theme and style and make those visitors notice you.
  • Ad Networks If you want to spread your brand, you can tie-up with an ad network. They are middlemen between you and the website your ads reside on. This will help you spread your brand on various web networks.

No matter what approach you choose, you need to be creative enough to leave a mark on your customers. Marketing is all about how you can increase your customer base, hence, start working on your next advertisement now.

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