Effectively Using Social Media for Education Institutes

Social media is enticing masses from all walks of life-cliché but bona fide. With the amplification of technology, more and more people are opting to use in surfeit – be it for expanding their business, propagation or for creating an awareness about their brand or for interacting with people. Using Social Media for education institutes or education sector has become an integral part in marketing these days. Students and youngster being at the cusp of this social revolution, most of the educational institutes are now embracing social media as a means to reach out to students and parents. Diagnosing the high impact target strategies, the institutions can improve their fan base and convert fans and followers into brand advocates. These channels provide a low cost and highly widespread effective marketing platform to revamp the interaction and awareness of the brand among stakeholders.social media for education

The key essential tips for use of social media in the education sector includes:

  • Creating a widespread impact which reaches the target audience: That era of marketing by use of brochures is outdated. In this age of technology, where social media is on octaves, most institutes use this channel to fecundate about their services, infrastructure and teaching. When the right audience is targeted, a mere click on the “Like” button and then regularly receiving updates and alerts leads to the student showing interest in further discourse.
  • Plausibility of improved student support and engagement: Most students arrive into universities with established social media presence. Rather than having a blog or page which is only informative and preach-like, students find it more enticing when there are active introspection’s and forums. Active participation by students also leads the authorities to know any faults in the system and tends to couple the gap in interaction between students and teachers.

Essential Eye Catching Points to Increase Student Engagement:
Keep the details of the institute brief and to the point: The information should resonate and echo the message in minimum number of words.Make it more detailed by using pictures, videos and PowerPoint presentations: Information in form of slides attracts more attention as it is very precise. Pictures and videos helps to convey and portray minute details about the institute which would otherwise be written off.

Social media marketing cannot be limited to adults or teenagers going to school and university. Right from a very young age, the young buds are getting exposed to advanced technology. Institutes are making these young “netizens” aware and well equipped with the usage of internet to aid these young minds quench the curious minds about various methods. Websites are created similar to Facebook and twitter so as that children learn the skill sets mandatory for staying ahead in the game. Concepts like social privacy are taught to them along with teaching them how to read and write. Innovative apps on these sites make learning a fun filled process and helps the child to learn faster as all this is based on a practical approach rather than on the mugging up process.

Email Marketing , too could be an effective driving force to boost your conversions.

If you are willing to  embrace social media in some form, create strong and effective strategy for their use and assign staff members with daily monitoring and analysis.Using social media for education institutes will definitely add up better conversions.

Summing up “We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hands, because it is the pen and paper of today’s time and the lens through which we experience much of our world” – David Warlick.

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