Effective Use of Email Marketing in Education Sector

Growing your customer relationships and manage to convert new prospects is always a tough job. Email marketing comes to play here. Especially, in education sector when the admission season is at it’s peak, and with constant growing competition, it is important for you to tap all major marketing platforms to generate leads. Results have proved that Email Marketing plays a vital role in maximizing conversions for education sector.

email marketing for education

Why Email Marketing in Education Sector?

Today, 82% students own a smartphone and 62% students use their handsets to check emails. Generally, this age group is typically between 16-22 years of age. Parents too are concerned about their child’s admission. Teachers, advisers too add up to your targeted mailing list, who take active participation in college admissions. Email Marketing provides solutions for education sector to  create and send newsletters, fundraising requests and event updates to targeted mailing lists.

According to the reports,Education companies achieve highest average CTR in email marketing. On an average, email marketing for education sector gets 5.8% CTR.

Source: econsultancy.com

In the above table, It clearly indicates that Email marketing works really good with education sector.

Open Rate is defined as total number of emais opened divided by number of emails delivered.

 Another report suggests that Education organisation achieves the highest average unique open rate (26.2%), followed by consumer products (23.8%) and financial services (22%).

How BMConsulting Does Successful Email Marketing

BMConsulting has run successful digital marketing campaigns in education sector. We worked with a reputed college in Pune, and we could maximize our conversions through email marketing.

We identified the qualitative goals of the institute,carried the competitive analysis.Competitive analysis involved understanding competitor’s keywords,ad text and call to action.

We preferred targeting the audience in age group of 21-35, since we run campaigns for Post Graduate programs.

With the help of graphics designers,we could design most impeccable designs,that could attract both students and educational institute as well.

Further, with some good email marketing tools,we could further campaigns more conversion oriented.

Email marketing will definitely yield better results in your digital marketing strategy for education sector.

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