How to Use Instagram to Build Your Brand

Out of all the social media platforms out there used for leveraging business, Instagram is the fastest growing app. Now comes the looming question: Are you cleverly using this platform to showcase your business? If your answer is no, this article will provide some great takeaway tips to embed it in your business and for the ones who have already embraced Instagram, we hope to provide a deeper insight.

instagramThe first question that many would think is how can business be promoted on Instagram? Here are a few facts and figures to let you know its quintessential importance.

  • Greater engagement than Facebook, almost 15 % more.
  • More than 16 million photos have been shared till date, with an average of 55 million photos per day.
  • It receives 1.2 billion likes per day.

Instagram’s USP is that the engagement rate is very high. If used strategically, you can reach out to millions of viewers globally. We put down a few time tested points which would enable your business to get greater audience and wider acclaim.

  • Create a wider audience database: Since Instagram is accessible on both Android and iOS, hence has a terrific web presence. Instagram allows you to tell your story with pictures. Pictures are the best portal to explain your story to the mass. Posting engaging and interest arousing pictures is the key to successful marketing on Instagram.
  • Reward followers: Customers always like rewards. To create an amazing brand, the gist is to attract more audience. By knowing your target audience and tactically creating contests in which the winner gets some prize or special concession will lead to large fan following. Many such contests draw thousands of followers.
  • Feature your customers: Super successful brands like Virgin Airlines uploads pictures of the customers and which portrays what experiencing the brand is like. Customers are the greatest brand ambassadors of your company and to see your company from an outsider’s perspective is a great way to tell your story. Highlighting your customers view point is a pronounced way to project your brand to the followers.
  • Use multiple hash tags: It is proved than by using 4-11 hash tags in your post, there can be up to 77 % increase in average interactions per post. The hash tag should be blended seamlessly into the post caption and not be muddled at the end of the post.
  • Show the inside of your brand: Some brands like Burberry not only show their products but also post inside pictures. Only if your story has a human and emotional touch will it appeal the human temperament. Pictures of your co-workers while they’re working or of parties in your office are a great way of adding the human touché.

Instagram is a great channel for adding a personal experience which proves to be the icing on your brand. Begin connecting with your customers and relevant industries and you’ll be amazed to see how this social media marketing strategy will work wonders.

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