How to Make Your Instagram Profile Look Cool

instagram profileIt’s the apt time to carve your identity on the Insta-verse. Post engaging images, get more likes and create your niche identity on the fastest growing social media app. Are you one of those seeking tips on how to create a mammoth fan following on Instagram? In search of tips to make your Instagram profile cool? Well, we note down a few tips which would the required fuel to your profile which are bound to make you seasoned racers in the Insta-race.

  • Its Instagram and not Instaspam: Instagram is not always about narcissism, or about posting all photos including spams. Posting your best content on your profile will do the trick. We know that you want to give a shot by shot rehash of your exclusive concert last night, but there are all chances that it would provoke more irritation than interest. No one wants to see hazy out of focus pictures, so when it comes to uploading pictures they should be of the best quality, exposure and composition. Avoid posting humdrum photos rather post private and lifestyle pictures. Don’t forget to keep a track about which type of pictures get more likes and post accordingly.
  • Timing is the hero of your profile: It is observed that pictures posted after 6 p.m. are most liked or viewed. Taking the aid of Statigram’s optimization tab, you can check what the best time to post photos is. Posting when there is more buzz and activity is bound to make your photo more noticed and liked.
  • Hash-it-up: Hash tags can be the hero and villain of your content. Infusing hashtag strategically makes your picture visible while unnecessary excess use includes you in the bandwagon of hashtag guzzling girl or boy. Suppose you are dining at a new restaurant, use your creative side to come up with the tag of correct specificity keeping the audience in mind. The ideal hashtag number is between three to five.
  • Keep your account public: If your account setting is private, no matter how superb your pictures are, other people will not be able to see them. When your account is private, people will have to ask permission every time for viewing your photos. So no matter how great efforts you put in to engage the audience or choosing the right picture and the correct positioning of hashtags, all your efforts will be in vain.
  • Being social: Just by viewing your Instagram you won’t be able to get any followers. Go out there, explore other people’s profiles and check out their pictures to see if their posts are similar to yours. Finding like-minded people and getting in touch with them will help you increase your followers.

Instagram is the perfect channel for leveraging your business by creating the buzz about your brand. It is mainly used for customer engagement and a gold mine for increasing your follower’s database. So once you have a significant followers, then comes the step of public and private engagement through discounts, sales and other promotional schemes. So our verdict: Buck up and brush your profile to get a colossal number of followers on your profile.

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