Headline search ads is a self- service advertising solution to drive demand for products sold in These can be used to convert the consumers who are already shopping with amazon to become your customers in no time.


  1. It drives sales and brand recognition with the usage of keyword targeted ads above the search results.
  2. Helps to advertise multiple ASIN’s at on go
  3. Facilitates customized campaign image headline and landing page experience.
  4. Your campaigns can be on display continuously.

Tips to optimize the headline search ads:

Keyword targeting: The kind of keyword you use could also help to optimize your headline search ads. The keywords should be as follows:

  1. Use branded products keywords- Target your brand name along with the product name or some similar option for it.
  2. Competitor branded keywords- Using the keywords of your competitors brands or products can be of help.
  3. Complementary product keywords- Using the keywords of products that are used along with your product can help in creating indirect advertising.
  4. Sponsored products automatic targeting keywords- Targeting successful search queries from the automatic targeting sponsored products campaign.
  5. Out of the league keywords- Use the keywords that are not directly associated to your product but can create some out of the box category demand to attract the buyers to use your product.

Keyword Traffic Indicator : 

As you enter your keyword in the “Add your own keywords” a list of keywords will appear below to choose from. All the keywords there will have a different traffic identifier next to it depending on the impression volume and its relevance of ASINs opted for the campaign: high, medium or low traffic. Depending on your budget opt for the for the keyword, for a low traffic keyword a bid from tight budget should also work.

Bids Strategy :  AMS is an auction based pricing model which implies that you will pay one cent more per click than the next highest bidder. If your impressions are low and you already have an extended keyword list. This helps to get more impressions. It is advisable to increase your bids as the fact remains that if someone bids more than you then their ad will appear instead of yours. This becomes more relevant in case of high traffic keywords.

Custom headlines : The headline that you formulate should contain engaging messages like:

  1. Exclusive or new
  2. Have phrases as buy now or save now.
  3. All claims must appear in product detail page.
  4. Do not use any unsupported claims like #1 or Best seller, these sort of promotional messages will not be approved.

Testing:  Headline search ads give space for some customization of the ad creation, so as to give prominent place above the search results. Spending time in testing the creative can highly affect the ad’s performance. Testing can be done on following ways:

  1. Custom headlines
  2. Order, number and mix features of ASINs
  3. Custom landing page.

Best practices for testing are as follows:

  1. Set multiple campaigns at one time
  2. Change one variable at a time
  3. Run the test for a minimum period of two weeks.
  4. Locate the winning headline based on your business goal and test set-up.


There are metrics available to measure campaign performance. It includes clicks, spend, sales and ACoS ( Advertising Cost of Sales).  Monitor the metric in conjunction with the CTR. Thus a high CTR with low Detail Page Views indicate that customers do not go beyond custom landing page and it indicates to start testing the ASIN mix.

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