Tips to stay Relevant in Digital Marketing

Relevance is a search engine’s core requirement.  People when Google a search query they want results that are closely connected to their queries. When it comes to online marketing, whether it is SEO, social media or paid advertising, again, being relevant is absolutely essential.

Relevance Rank

Online marketers work hard and want their Facebook posts to get hundreds if not thousands of comments, their tweets to get re- tweeted for the world to see and their search engine queries to project right at the top of Google. Digital marketers crave attention and in this competitive industry, having your content and website remaining relevant is a must if you want to succeed.

A few crucial steps to follow stay relevant in digital marketing

 1. Promoted Facebook posts will serve better

I recently happened to read an article saying that brands today are actually wasting money on Facebook and Twitter. The study stated that less than 0.1% of fans and followers actually interact with each post on average from a brand.

Looks like in the near future if the brands want to stay relevant, they will need to pay money to promote a post. Investing funds to boost the post might make a big difference in regards to the overall interaction!

 2. Get  your Social media brand promoted by customers 

Hippo CEO
Hippo CEO

Identify if a consumer loves your brand; reach out to this person to see if they will help promote your company! An ad agency in Mumbai encouraged it’s client’s as well as consumers to make a post on their own Facebook page about their experience. By doing so they tried to convey the message that the agency provided its customers optimum return on investment through its branding service.

This instantly generated referrals to  the agency from friends of friends seeing these Facebook posts! Reaching out to brand advocates will help promote your brand.

3. Reviews are a source of truth that will live on the web indefinitely.

Reach out to your customers to see if they will leave a review on your Google+ page. If you focus on reviews, it will benefit your website and brand for many years to come.

4. Pitch your company high

 Dedicate a person to give in 5-10 hours per week on digital PR outreach  to connect to the  industry specific websites and make a pitch about your company with the hopes that these websites will do a write-up on your brand.

If these industries related websites end up linking back to your website, it will have huge SEO benefits. Additionally, the readership on industry related websites could help your business generate more leads!

5. Optimize mobile site for SEO

 Make sure that your website is mobile friendly and optimized for SEO . This will have a huge impact on search results not only this year, but for many years down the road.

6. Have an outsider expert conduct a Digital marketing audit

Google - Truth

Digital marketers tend to think that they are always right. Have someone else conduct a deep dive into your digital marketing channels. This process will take 2-3 hours but you will gain invaluable insight!

Staying relevant on the digital frontier will require an open mind, digital outreach, and some money behind your social media posts.

Make every post count!!

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