Time Management in the Corporate Calendar

Conception of platforms such as ERP and CRM, all occur with one aim – to save time. Technologies are offering numerous facets to time saving techniques, but what needs attention is that if time is not managed adequately then time saving ends up being futile. Time management leads to efficiency – which is somehow the ultimate strength of any project undertaken. One can be exceptionally brilliant, but if time management skills are absent, results will be rather grey. When it comes to today’s corporate sectors, the clocks moves notably faster than the rest of the world. Meeting up with timelines is a daily struggle and therefore we will hereby look at some minor criteria that will help you increase efficiency to good levels.

Meetings are an inseparable part of all corporate activities and each one of us must have noticed, they usually end up in no action been taken. Meetings must always and always result in a set of actions that are properly delegated – else they are a waste of moments. Meetings are generally arranged after problem identification and therefore it is rather pointless to have further stretched discussions on the problem. Channel your meetings towards these questions to optimize your time efficiency in meetings:

  • What to do?
  • How to do?
  • Who will do?
  • When is the deadline?

Source: lynda.com

As trivial as it may sound, a to-do list can help you magnanimously in time management. Set out your daily goals along with their deadlines. When doing so, you can prioritize your activities. This will drive you towards completion and you will soon realize that the activities are running at a faster pace than before. Some professionals also use tools for implementing a to-do list.

Early birds always get discounts and the same theory applies with time as well. Don’t postpone tasks; you are simply giving space for procrastination to peep in by doing so. Don’t rush, but don’t laze either.

Saving on seconds adds up to days saved towards the year end. Keep an eye on things that take up a few seconds of every action that you do. Be organized. Keep your stuff handy; do not spend every few seconds searching for your pen or phone or stationery. And remember to keep away from distractions when you are handling something that is touching a deadline.

Smaller tasks like replying to emails or phone calls can be done immediately. Updating your time sheet might take a few minutes if you do it at the moment, but it might take you up to half an hour if you try to remember everything in a chunk for a day or even up to hours if you postpone it for the week.

Do not bundle yourself with all the load possible. Delegate – intelligently. Divide tasks into smaller portions to be handled by your team members. Keep a balance – do not overload any side.

And finally, don’t be scared to be slow. Take it easy!

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