An Overview of Content Marketing

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Content marketing is one of the crucial streams of marketing. If content is not noteworthy then no marketing expert or agency can give you a positive results. Moral of the Story is that “Content is King”.

Content marketing is a tool use to develop, publish or promote and distribute a subject matter to a targeted audience. Mostly content is in the form of blogs, though other types of content can also resonate well with your customer. Content includes:

  • White-papers and ebooks
  • Videos
  • Info graphics
  • Quizzes
  • Lists
  • How-to guides
  • Webinars
  • Q&A
  • Surveys
  • Interviews
  • Editorials/ Op-eds
  • Podcasts

The appropriate type of content for any business will depend on the business’ goals and target customer. For example, an architect provider targeting real estate developers of large residential complexes may benefit from creating a list outlining all the considerations that a real estate developer should consider before entering a deal. Contrariwise, a local catering aiming towards industrious occupied families/bachelors may benefit from a video showcasing the warmth and convenience of a home-made, freshly-cooked meal.

The first step in creating a successful content marketing campaign is to define your target audience, commonly known as user segmentation. Successful content marketers deeply understand their customers’ needs and desires, beyond just their sole interest in their products or service. For example, if you are marketing a food truck, you may define your target customers as young millennials who work within a 5-minute walk of downtown San Francisco and who enjoy trying fresh, healthy foods. The more narrowly you can define your customer, the better you will be able to define content to your target audience.

Content Marketing is used to widen the customer base. Content marketing is very useful to build trust with the targeted customer because we directly promote our content to the customer there is no curtain between the customer and the product or content. It gives clear idea of the product and is often used by businesses to:-

  • Expand their user base
  • Diversify their user base
  • Establish or Increase online sales
  • Increase brand awareness or credibility
  • Create an online community of users

It is important to check the performance of any marketing campaign, content marketing is checked on the following aspects:-

  • Number of visitors to a page
  • Time spent on the page
  • Click-through across pages/ photos
  • Number of emails collected
  • Demographics of visitors
  • Sources of traffic (i.e., SEO, social media, referral, direct)
  • Differences in buying patterns and user-behavior of visitors
  • Conversion through the sales process (the process from sign-up to check-out), including click-through-rates at each stage of the conversion funnel
  • Time spent on the page
  • Re-engagement (i.e., % of return visitors)
  • Click-through across product pages

Businesses who actively curate their content on these platforms have been able to expand their reach to new audiences. Visit for further Insights by the experts.

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