Increasing Mobile Conversions

With the advent of mobile devices, consumers/customers/clients have become more anticipating in terms of time, information and appearance. Studies have revealed that having a mobile responsive website is very far from being enough to generate mobile conversions. There are numerous other factors that are being searched for by your customers. Considering the fact that online mobile traffic is overtaking other sources (since 2014, in which about 52% of the online traffic was through mobile views), it becomes more important for industries to focus on points which improve conversions through mobile gadgets. Product industries have recently faced a significant hike – in December 2016, over $1 billion was spent on retail markets through mobile devices. Such statistics reinforce the importance of brushing and polishing marketing techniques to be slightly more oriented towards the mobile trends. There are a few steps that one can easily employ to gain a better outcome of marketing through mobile devices.


Less content for relevancy – Mobile sites ought to be to the point. The very fact that someone is using a mobile device to search is that his intention is towards saving time. Distracting a consumer with all your information will simply shun him away from your site. Make sure that while you are reducing your content, the most important stuff is well-shown (preferable without scrolling). Also remember to minimise information to fit into a fixed number of scrolls, unlimited scrolling is the last thing your customers are looking forward to.

Content optimisation – Every microsecond plays a role when it comes to mobile conversions. Your content should not take a long time to load – reduce the numbers of images where necessary, make your images the right size (not too large or too small) and avoid interactive sections of the screen. Statistics show that oversized and under sized images cause noteworthy obstruction among mobile users.

Shopping Optimisation – Big forms and too much information demand may turn down your customers on the very last stage. Just imagine – you have successfully managed to convince your customer by passing through stages such as website optimisation/responsiveness, product or service information/display and brand awareness. An unfriendly shopping form stipulating a whole lot of information simply does away with all your previous efforts. Optimise your shopping experience, make your forms as small as possible, avail your shopping cart easily on the interface to allow for a hassle free experience and provide to save customer information.

Visible Call-to-action buttons – Your call-to-actions should be literally calling out. Do not hide them or make them too small in size. These are the very gateways to final conversions by stimulating a connection between the customer and yourself. Interactives such as “Call us”, “Ask us”, “Save info”, “Quick inquiry” , etc help in accelerating a customer’s buying decision.

No pop-ups! – These are one of the most potential conversion destroyers. A pop-up disrupts a customer’s view of information and interrupts the thought process often resulting in a complete move-away from your website, thus increasing the drop-off rate and might also affect the overall traffic on your site.

Ask for reviews – You may ask for reviews which are only one question long. These could be a star review or a multiple choice question about the service. Do NOT make it longer. Make it smooth enough so that your customer may not hesitate to help you.

The above metrics may be exploited to enhance more swift conversions on the mobile platform. You may visit us at for further insights.

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