Making an Effective Email Campaign for Dummies

emailmarketingEmail marketing can be nicknamed as the Godfather of internet marketing. The oldest and probably still the most effective way of marketing is slated to remain functioning for a long time. According to CopyBlogger, an estimated 170 million emails are sent every minute to 3.3 billion accounts globally. Social networks use a variety of fancy marketing techniques, yet a one-on-one conversation can be achieved only by e-mail marketing. If you crack the Holy Grail of social marketing by following some stringent rules, you can form an unbreakable bond between you and your customers. A daunting question may now arise in your mind, “With around 100 emails paving way to inbox every day, how can I prevent my email from becoming a spammer?”

Before sending your next batch of e-mails, wait for a second to take into consideration the following points.

How to build a successful and responsive business E-mail list?

  1. In this marketing, quality is more important than size. If you have bought an email database and you start bombarding people’s accounts without taking their permission, it is equal to invading their privacy and most chances are that your emails would be sent into spam. Rather than using these lecherous techniques that would ultimately give you no Return on Investment, it is better to build up loyal and repeat customers and interested prospects who actually know what your business is and are genuinely interested in it. These are the tested techniques to build your client’s email database: 1. Place a sign-up form on your website and on your social network profiles
  2. Place sign-up forms at the entrance desks.
  3. Ask people to write their email ids at trade and business fairs
  4. Ask people who call you for business matters to give their email ids
  5. Ask people to write their email ids in the virtual as well as paper shopping forms
  • Headings: The attention grabbers and eye catchers. Once your email reaches the customer, you have only one eighth of a second to grab his attention. Thus only if your email’s heading is relevant and catchy would the customer open and read it. Clear, concise and to the point headings are the heroes. The rule of thumb says, avoid spam pros and words.
  • Linking email campaigns and social media: With over half of the world using social networks, it has become an integral part of marketing and blending of emails and social media would yield the best results. Asking your customers who have subscribed to your newsletters to join you on social media would be beneficial. Also including excerpts from your Twitter and Facebook in your emails can be explored. Many successful emails have videos included.
  • Test before sending: After your email strategy is planned, goals set, then you need to check your email before hitting the send button. Your emails should bypass the spam filters and they should be compatible with the browsers that clients use. A precheck routine should be followed because there are instances when your email may look fabulous on Gmail yet it may look absolutely crappy on Hotmail.
  •  Stats are your theoretical advisers: Once you start sending newsletters and emails, don’t forget to keep a regular tab on the statistics. Information like the number of emails that are opened, bounced, folders into which they were received and how many were converted into leads is most inevitable to be known. Analytic metrics about the best time and day to send your emails with the most effective heading and content that echoes to the audience is the key to every successful email marketing campaign.

Your turn: We have pitched in all information about Email marketing for dummies, now the ball is in your court to use it for transforming mere visitors into loyal customers.

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