Infographics – A Better Way of Marketing

Marketing online has now become crucial for any business or brand, especially the ones whose most transactions are online or have their business base setup on the internet. Most of them fight over what is the best strategy for advertising. One of the most recent and attractive method for marketing is to use Infographics in your online campaign.

What is an Infographic?
infographic-toolAlthough the term Infographic may sound really complicated, it simply is a word combined of two words “information” and “graphical presentation”. Infographics are graphic visual representation of information, data or knowledge with the intent to present complex information quickly and clearly. Therefore, it is –
• A data rich visualization of a story or a thesis
• An effective way to learn and understand various concepts
• A best way to build brand recognition.
Why Infographic?
It has been observed that a good quality inforgraphic are read 30 times more than plain text and the online traffic steers easily towards publishers who post Infographics than those who don’t. Inforaphics easily go viral and drives customers to your brand; here are a few reasons why-
• People love facts, figures and statistics. Thus, adding inforgraphics can make your campaign addictive and compelling.
• It helps in brand building if the subject matter mixes well with your marketing goals.
• People love to go through content which are visually represented, thus your product will have a better chance of being noticed.
• Because of catchy titles and quirky images, Infographics easily go viral and increase your potential customer base.
• It is a good way to increase your Search Engine Optimization, since, Google’s search engine algorithm work well with Infographics, you are sure to bump up your website’s ranking.
• Large amount of data becomes understandable, easy and interesting.
• One of the most important gains is that it helps cater the audiences who have less time and low-attention span.
How to effectively use Infographic?
The money spent on Infographic should be able to give you lucrative results, and thus, you need to know how you can create the perfect Infographic-
• Choose a quirky, interesting and catchy topic or title.
• Include facts, figures and diversity of sources and statistics.
• Make people engage with your company and brand.
• Promote your Infographic via social media. It will help your brand and infographic go viral
• Minimize the textual content and avoid plain or white background.
• Notify a number of blogs and websites to promote your Infographic and keep on the shares coming.
Infographics may become the new buzz in the town, with the increase of its use. There are millions of blogs written every day, with the use of infographic, you could publicize yourself on various social networking and blogging websites, with millions of shares on social media platform.
Now that you have all the knowledge you need on Infographic, what are you waiting for? Be ready to go viral on the next campaign.

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