Impact of video on paid ads


As per a recent survey conducted by Wyzowl, 86% of businesses use video as a marketing tool. Video ads are expected to drive 48% higher sales than other formats of advertisements. In the age of double taps and shorter attention spans, 15-20 seconds videos like those in the form of Instagram reels, Facebook reels, Youtube shorts, Tiktok videos and so on, seem to grab the attention of marketers to use videos as an effective marketing tool.

Here are the top 5 reasons for using videos for your paid campaigns.

1. Increase in engagement

Video marketing is more likely to get shares, likes and comments. Whether it is an educational, entertainment or sales video, users tend to connect more with shareable content. The reason for this is very simple. It is easier to comprehend information than just images. If your business is at the top of the funnel, you can get started with videos to increase brand awareness.

Example of a Brand Awareness ad

2. Better mode of story-telling

If you compare a simple graphic creative to a video, the audio and video elements together tend to be more expressive with emotions and convey the brand message. 94% of the marketers agree that video has helped them explain their brand service or product in a user-friendly manner. It is easier for you to narrate a problem and connect with the user to display a satisfying solution.

3. Improve website ranking

Generally, people watch videos on social media platforms like Linkedin, Youtube, Tiktok and Instagram. However, embedding these videos on websites can help you retain a website user and improve page view/session duration.  82% of the marketers believe this strategy will work best in 2022 to improve retention time. If you need an expert advice on improving ranking, feel free to visit our Search Engine Marketing page.

4. Better ROI

A well-planned strategy of video ads can show exponential growth in ROI. When it is unchallenging for users to understand your product or service, they are driven easily towards a goal completion like filling up a lead form or making a purchase.

Example of Sales through video ads

  1. Better Quality leads

    86% of the marketers say that video played a key role in generating good quality leads. People are reluctant to give their information in today’s day and age. Trust is a massive factor, and user- generated reviews and testimonials videos can do wonders in such situations. Similarly, if you are selling a course, a small tutorial video works best to make viewers believe that they will get some extra information after signing up.

    Example of lead generation thorough video ad 

    Statistics for a week

    If you need more help understanding marketing through video ads, you can contact us at BM consulting or visit our website at

    *This blog has been compiled by Ayushi Sharma*

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