How to Do Keyword Research for SEO

How to Do Keyword Research for SEO

Keywords are certain words and phrases used by readers on search engines. Correct use of keywords in the content allows websites and brands to drive traffic and enhance visibility in search engines. Keywords play a significant role in SEO. Google connects users with their desired information with the help of keywords they use in search engines.

Getting into the reader’s mind and standing in their shoes is important to understand what they are looking for and provide them with the information they need. Let’s dive deeper into the “How To” of the keyword research for SEO to better cater to the needs and requirements of the target audience.

Keyword Research for SEO

Keyword research for SEO is no rocket science, which is not to say that it is a piece of cake either. However, there are certain subtle steps one needs to follow to understand and master keyword research for SEO.

Step 1: Brainstorm 

This is the first step that lays the basic foundation of your Keyword Research journey. Brainstorm and ideate relevant keywords to the product/service you are selling. Considering the audience’s perspective is crucial while generating ideas. Once done, compile a raw list of all the keyword ideas you have come up with.

Step 2: Analyse

Now that you have a basic knowledge of the potential keywords you can use in your content, it is time for you to analyze them based on their relevance amongst the audience and rankings in the search engine. Study your keywords and understand which keywords from your compilation users actively use for the specific topic that you are dealing with.

This is a rather difficult step as it requires you to conduct an in-depth analysis of your keywords based on their search volume, helping you sort and narrow down to the most effective keywords from your list.

Step 3: Determine the ranking of your company

Understanding where you stand in ranking is crucial as it will help you realize who your competitors are, their rankings, what keywords they frequently use and refine your own keyword strategies accordingly. It is a smart move to ensure your list of keywords is up to mark and will lead to better traffic and conversions.

In cases where your competitors are big brands that have already established their place at the top list of Google, you will have to change your strategy and include less-competitive long-tail keywords to gain better results.

Step 4: User search intent

Now that you have a list of quality keywords, it is time for you to think about the user. After you find the right keywords it is time to test them and determine its value in the SERPs. It helps you understand the intent behind the user’s search query. Find answers to the reason behind the query, what results they expect, how to solve their queries by giving them the desired results, and so forth.

This step will help you better refine the selected keywords in a manner a user would supposedly use, allowing you to solve their query quickly and gain their trust in the website/brand.

TIP: Utilise tools online

There are great free and paid tools you can find online that will help you a great deal in effectively doing keyword research. SEO PowerSuite, KWFinder, Google Keyword Planner, GrowthBar, etc., are some of the best keyword tools. Use these tools while researching to find and use relevant keywords that suit your content topic.

Wrapping Up

Keyword research is essential while creating content as it helps relevant information reach the target audience. Effective keyword research requires a comprehensive understanding of your products and services and the expectations of the target audience. Meeting the audience’s expectations is crucial to effectively strategize content.

For getting more information regarding Search Engine Optimization, you may contact us or visit our website

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