Facebook Page a Magnetic Gateway to Generate Traffic

Facebook today is a wonderful medium to build traffic and route it to a landing page. All age groups aging above 16 years  are glued to Facebook throughout the day. Businesses today have been largely promoting their brand  on Facebook by preparing a Facebook page to enhance the presence of their brand online. We will guide you to get more clicks and get more traffic to a landing page using Facebook.

facebook traffic

There are a few simple steps which you need to follow to upload an interactive Facebook page to promote your brand by way of social media.

  • You firstly need to Login to Facebook account. You need to write real and upload short and relevant content on the wall to interest your target audience.
  • You will now need to copy the Web address of the landing page.
  • People generally prefer to upload content with the web address mentioned right below the content and by doing so the Facebook automatically picks up the image from the mentioned web address. Now, it is likely that the landing page has more than one image on hand and in that case the same multiple images would come up as a collage and one can choose the most suitable image for the post.

All active Facebook users must have noticed that whatever content that is posted on Facebook is also seen in the newsfeed of all your Facebook friends. People generally tend to read content only that is posted on their own timeline, rather than visiting profile page of friends and reading it there. This is actually in most cases done only if a particular friend is being followed.

It is proven that whatever content is posted on Facebook wall with a great and relevant image increases the probability of increased fan followers and number of clicks.  Facebook users can now show any image and every new story has a different look with bigger photos and this change attracts lots of clicks and longer engagements from friends and public.

Moreover the modified News feed feature actually enables the marketer to choose the right image that create interest and engagement amongst the people.

This detailed step by step method to build your online presence on Facebook will help you market your content on Social media. Enjoy the mileage you get!!

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