How to Design a Perfect Conversion-Driven Landing Page

Landing Page – This is that million dollar page that caters your potential customers  and earn you bread and butter. But,unfortunately, I have observed,this is either the most neglected page or lacks that X-effect that will help you drive a conversion. There is no particular rule of thumb that could be a deciding factor when you design a landing page. It is all about a niche,your customer behavior and the ideas you brainstorm with your graphics team to make the best possible landing page.

landing pageLanding Page Design Tips to Generate Conversions

Call-to-Action Yes,this is what we all hear when we start learning about Inbound marketing /Search marketing or Conversion optimization. Call-to-Action has to be the core element of any landing page. Think how customer will behave on your page. Your audience will appreciate you more if they find things easy and simple to grasp. If your business is into lead generation, make sure you place your form at a prominent place,and is catchy enough to attract your audience. It is always better you keep it above the fold. Get used to Call-to-Action keywords like Buy Now, Download now, Register now, Enquire Now, See How we Work, Let us solve your query, Find better Solution and more

Landing Page and Ad Copy Relevancy  It is important that your landing page serves your ad copy better. In order to achieve a good quality score on Adwords, it is important to keep landing page content relevant to the Ad copy you serve. It is very disgusting to see an Ad copy that talks about “excellent plumbing service. Enquire Now!”, leading to a home page of that Plumber’s website,where neither a Contact Us form is available nor a Phone no. is available.

Minimum Navigation Possible All right, so you got your audience on the landing page. Its your job to make them stay, till they are converted. Keep no loose pockets. We at BMConsulting, advise our clients to keep minimum navigational links,and instead engage audience with value-added services you serve.

Trust Factor Treat your landing page something like “marriage material”. I know, I am going a bit off the track.But,yes seriously. A “marriage material” guy keeps all his things tidy to create an impression. No sooner he meets his “would-be-better-half”,than he tries to generate a “trust-factor” in her.Similar is the case with landing page.You get a visitor through some referral source.When he lands,your landing page not only should attract him,but also generate some kind of trust-factor in him.

You can mention in your private policy that you won’t misuse the data you collected from customers.This will build a trust in your customers.If you expect some transaction to happen on landing page,make sure you put “certified by VeriSign” or some other organization’s logo on the page.This will mark you as an authoritative website,and people will not fear to do any business with you.

Testing You must run A/B test,before you zero down upon landing page.Cjange the content,keywords,images and Call to Action,to check how these changes reflects on user’s behavior.

I remember,long time back BMConsulting  designed a landing page for a company looking for ethical hackers.We had a long brainstorming session with graphics team,and suddenly and idea popped up.We had a good optimized landing page with keywords and services,but we encrypted the “contact-us form”.And ,instead,we wrote there “Prove us,You are a Hacker”.

And yes,the idea worked and was a super hit enough to get us our checks in advance. We will be sharing good examples of Landing pages in upcoming blog post. Stay tune 🙂

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