Adapt the right marketing Strategy on Social Media

Adapt the right marketing Strategy on Social Media

When we speak about social media, the biggest trend all over the globe is Facebook, and therefore, many companies use Facebook to market their products using the ad spaces provided by this media platform. However, while advertising, they fail to acquire lasting results because of the wrong strategy adopted by the companies.

Facebook is one of the best opportunities provided by the internet to assure an online success of your brand. Nevertheless, even the best content ever posted on Facebook will only yield low results, with simultaneously incurring high costs. So, the real question to be asked before planning an online marketing strategy is, “How much and Where should I spend?”

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“Likes” matter the most

Currently, many people are focusing on getting more “likes” for their brand; therefore, they tend to spend money on “Page like Ads” to get more fans and “Post Engagement Ads” estimating that their sales will increase in future. However in reality, what you expect is not what you get.  This strategy only increases your cost without increasing your profit. You are able to target your audience, but are not able to create a long lasting effect on them.  You get a temporary and short term page post, and target audience base is restricted to the number of “likes” you get.

Facebook Users in India

Focus on building a brand identity

In order to increase the effectiveness of your online marketing through Facebook or any other social media platform, you should not only be able to reach your target audience but should be able to provide them with what they want. Basically, you not only want them to be aware of your product but make them feel a part of your brand. This helps them to remember your brand and also, increases mouth-to-mouth advertising. With the cost you are incurring, you want maximum returns, thus your ad budget and your marketing plan should be focused around a well-developed campaign that engages the audience into various fun activities. You need a reason for your potential customers to remember you, and there are many ways you can achieve this goal –

  • Your campaign should be focused not on getting more “likes” but ensure brand awareness and long term engagement
  • A great way to ensure a long term effect is to engage your audience in fun-filled contests, like photo contests, quizzes. Anything and everything that interests them.
  • You should be able to steer the traffic around your campaign and use that to increase your customer base. Use Facebook but do not restrict yourself to it.

Roll-out smart campaigns

A well-targeted and smart campaign will assure you with a strong customer base and brand recognition. You will have a good PR strategy and an audience who will always remember you. An online marketing activity like quizzes will help you getting your audience’s email addresses creating the perfect marketing list. Moreover, your page “likes” will keep on increasing and the risk of fake accounts can be eliminated. And the ultimate goal of increasing profits will just be a piece of cake.

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