Tips to increase your Google ranking organically

Tips to increase your Google ranking organically

With the advancements in the online industry, Google rankings have gained tremendous importance as they ensure the visibility of your business, product or service to the masses across the world. According to a study, the first page of Google receives 95% of web traffic while the remaining pages receive 5% or less. This difference has created the need for a better page ranking on Google and thus everyone is struggling day and night to keep their ranking significantly higher on the search engine results page (SERP). Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is carried out regularly by the businesses to improve the page ranking. However, people often fail to realize that SEO is a long going process and is not expected to bear fruit in the early stages. Fortunately, there are a few key points that you can start following early-on to increase ranking on Google SERP. These points are detailed below:

1.) Start from the basics: The first thing that has an impact on the ranking of your page is the user-friendliness of the website. A website should always be designed keeping in mind that it should be easy to navigate and should contain ample information about your business or service. If your website is difficult to understand for the viewers, then its ranking is sure to see a downfall. The website should be designed in a ‘mobile-friendly’ manner as well because the majority of the people prefer to surf the internet through their mobile.

2.) Understand the Google ranking algorithm: Google makes a number of changes to its ranking algorithm every year and most of these changes are not announced publicly. It is important to have an understanding of the Google ranking algorithm because it allows strategizing the SEO accordingly. There is a large database available which contains all the updates ever made by Google to this algorithm. It is wise to go through this information to avoid any obstacle in the SEO process.

3.) Maintain quality content: Content quality is one of the driving factors for achieving a longer duration of dwell time, which is the amount of time a visitor spends on your website. An interesting and error-free content not only makes the visitors stay on your website and gain an insight into your business but also increases their chances of returning to your website in the future. Websites that host quality and informative content have high chances of getting bookmarked, which positively affects the SEO ranking. In addition to this, you must also ensure that the content is original as duplicate and repetitive content tends to harm the page ranking.

Keyword research

4.) Keyword research: Keyword research is an essential element of any SEO strategy. If your audience is not able to find you then there is no use in spending on online advertising. You should be able to identify the keywords which your target audience will be using to get to you. There are different keyword search tools available that allow you to select the relevant keywords to improve your organic ranking. These keywords (including long-tail keywords) should be infused in your content in a very subtle manner so as to promote high-quality content.

5.) Frequently publish blogs: According to a study, businesses that frequently publish informative blogs on their website rank significantly higher on the SERPs than those who fail to do so. Not only does blogging help you to improve your ROI but also allows you to put more content about your business. This helps to attract a lot of visitors to your site and improve the engagement with your business, thus increasing the traffic that improves your page ranking.

There is no secret formula to soar to the top of the results page, but if you implement the above steps, you can eventually ensure that you achieve your desired spot.

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