The most important parts of your landing page

The most important parts of your landing page

The landing page is one of the most important elements when it comes to lead generation. Many businesses tend to give importance to their website’s homepage instead of spending time and resources on the landing page. This leads to fewer conversions and affects overall sales as well. However, creating a competitive landing page which brings maximum conversions is no easy task.

Crafting an effective landing page involves more than designing something which looks very productive. There is no standard manual for how a landing page should be, still, there are a few key elements that have to be there in order to increase the interest of the visitor in your business.

Let’s discuss a few of these elements in detail:

1. A Creative Headline: The headline of your landing page is the first thing visitors read after they arrive on your page, so it is vital that you make that headline count. Your headline should be such that it grabs the visitor’s attention and informs the visitor what your product or service is all about.

Remember to keep your headlines as short as possible. An ideal headline should be between ten to twenty words. Make sure it explains what you have to offer and clearly communicates its value. Here’s an example of a great headline:

A creative headline

2. Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Your USP shows what sets you apart from the competition. You clearly need to define this point of differentiation on your landing page by breaking down your offering to its most basic level. You need to describe how your customers can benefit after choosing your product or service.

A classic example comes from Domino’s Pizza: “You get fresh, hot pizza delivered to your door in 30 minutes or less — or it’s free.” Remember, a good USP is the key to getting more people interested in your business or service.

3. Make Use of Pictures or Short Videos: You have very few seconds to steal the attention of your visitor and you need to make the most of this time. The visual representation of your offer helps visitors to better understand what your offer is or what it looks like.

You can achieve this with the help of photos or videos. Just make sure that the pictures you use are large, high-quality and relevant to your service or product. Videos are a great idea too, but only if they are succinct and easy to understand.

Make use of pictures or short videos

4. Social Proof: No matter how fancy or perfect your landing page is, there is nothing more persuasive than social proof. When you illustrate that other people have bought your offering, visitors are more likely to convert into customers. Social proof can include customer testimonials, a total count of your customers, awards from reputable organizations, customer reviews or trust seals.

Social proof

5. Call To Action (CTA): Your conversion goal describes what the purpose of the page is to you. Your CTA is critical to conversions as it is the target of your pages’ conversion goal and for this reason, it matters how you design it and where you place it. A CTA can either be a part of a lead generation form or a standalone button.

“Click Here” and ‘Submit” are the best examples of poorly-written CTA. A good example can be “Get your 20% discount now” which clearly shows what the visitor will get in exchange for a click.

The above-mentioned elements clearly define what needs to be done to ensure a productive landing page. Even if you follow these five elements, you can develop an effective landing page for your marketing campaign. However, do not stop testing and modifying your landing page in order to get the best results every time.

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