How to Do Successful Email Marketing For College Admissions

Email marketing campaign for college admissions

Never and never methods of marketing are resonating in the market. Digital marketing in a never exhausting field with mammoth amount of scopes for marketing being discovered every new day. However with the evolution of the novel marketing methods, many people and institutes thing that email marketing has taken a backseat. However this is absolutely untrue as e-mail marketing still occupies the center stage as a marketing tool for universities and institutes. Most of the universities and colleges use email marketing to rouse interest and demand among the potential students and their parents. However, with the marketplace being chaotic and muddled with messages from so many institutes competing for grabbing student’s attention, you need a right strategy to attract the prospective target audience.

We present a few essential points which would enable institutes to leverage their email marketing drives and make them stand apart from the crowd:

Email Marketing Practices for College Admissions

  • Identify your goals in each set of target audience and work accordingly: While devising your e-mail marketing strategies, keep in mind the set of people you are targeting. Setting up the objectives as per the audience’s view point and then tailoring the message and structure is the most essential part to draw the maximum attention.
  • Dictate a strong call-to-action: When people visit your website, tell them what course of action to take. After taking a virtual tour of your institute, guide them as to what you want them to do. Adding “visit our website today”, “call us today” or “register now” conveys the mutual feeling of symbiosis.
  • Craft a short precise and engaging subject line:  This is the most essential part of the email to add an enticing line which would convert readers into visitors and then into potential audience. The key trick is to keep this line short and to the point.
  • Correct timing: The most overlooked aspect is to choose the appropriate timing to send the e-mails. There is less probability of the mails to be read on weekends or on Mondays. Make it a point to send somewhere on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Mails sent on holidays are less proven to be read or responded.
  • Add a social sharing feature: Social sharing feature enables the institute to gain a foot holding on the social media platform and thereby reaching a greater audience. This share feature of “like us” or “follow us” allows the institute to spread its arms among even that audience which is unaware of the institute’s existence.
  • Keep a record: Keep a record of various activities like the sending date of the email, subject of the email, number of subjects to whom it was distributed and their response. By this you will get to know what type of text, subject line and information resonates the best among the audience.

There would be tons of emails bombarded on the parents and students inbox every day about different institutes. Let your email stand out from among all your competitors and notice a vast amount of leads and audience interest on your institute’s website.You can also refer to effective use of email marketing in education sector.

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