Social Media Marketing Through Human Psychology

Social media is inarguably the widest human interface of today’s era. Being a large platform of communication, it has become an important marketing channel for all types of businesses at large. Penetration results are found to be more successful through social media, not to be doubted as the number of social media users worldwide follows a growing graph pattern without even the smallest disruption.


With such increasing numbers of users of social media, it is but obvious that effective marketing can definitely produce significant results. And it is not a surprise that the following business statistics have been evaluated for the social media platforms:


Marketing on social media has many facets to success. And because it is a platform that is actively involving people of all demographic natures, human psychology is an important factor to be considered. We shall herewith discuss a few points that may drive your social media marketing using human psychology.

  1. Make your posts more human

Putting a human face to your advertisements and brand increases the chances of a customer being attracted to you. Attention is grabbed much easily when advertisements are associated with a human face as this is related to emotional connect. If a consumer is aware that there is a human on the backstage to reciprocate all activities that he is doing towards your business, the conversation is likely to be swifter.

  1. Build relationships

Be consistent with your social media presence. Do not disappear for unexpected long periods; your audience is very likely to forget you. Social media is a platform that offers a diversity of information to consumers – you must be consistent enough to keep yourself in the limelight as well. Make sure that all messages that you receive are replied to appropriately and well in time. Give your audience a sense of trust. You are in touch with many like them, but each of them looks upon you with the expectation of a single communication channel. Try to fulfil their queries in time.

  1. Expose the benefits

Every individual is naturally attracted to anything that advantages or benefits him/her. Highlight on what benefits you have for your consumers. Keep allocating free trials and discounts for your services and/or products and show them on your social media. Focussing on customer benefits assures you a much higher engagement rate.

  1. Emotional triggers

Don’t leave out on the wit and humour, that’s what catches the human eye the most. Laughter is a universal language that strengthens connections. You will notice that a large percentage of the content that goes viral on social media is either funny or witty. Jokes will trigger quicker reaction and positive responses to your posts.

  1. Make it easy to grasp

Study proves that human attention is mostly stable for only up to 8 seconds. Make sure that the major information that you are trying to pass on is clutched within 8 seconds. If you are writing a long story, make the introductory lines catchy enough to hold on to the customer for longer times. Visual content and videos are known to be great concentration boosters. Use them effectively in your posts.

Adopt these tactics and watch your social media outreach grow enormously!

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