Make sure your email gets opened

Make sure your email gets opened

Consider a scenario where you have just launched a new product and you are eager to tell your customers about it. Your graphics and content team has spent almost a week in designing a perfect email that would efficiently convey your product. You add the email addresses of your customers and hit “Schedule”. However, when you check out the email stats the next day, you find that not even 5% of those emails have been opened by your customers. This creates a storm inside your head and you start to wonder what went wrong and scout different possibilities by which you can improve the open rate of your emails. Basically, it is no rocket science to make your email look appealing to your customers and all you need to do is just follow a few basic rules which are mentioned below.

1. Write an attractive subject line: Consider that you have received two emails with the same context but one of them has a subject line “Request for review on your recent purchase from Amazon” while the other gets a subject line “Hey Sam, did you like your new product?” In this case, the second email is more likely to get opened than the first because it is personalized and has an attractive subject line which will make the customer click on it. Another way to get your email opened is to avoid using “spam” phrases like “free” or exclamation points.

Write an attractive subject line

2. Create mobile-friendly emails: According to statistics, more than 50% of emails are read on a mobile device. Thus, it becomes necessary for you to make the first four words or 50 characters of your subject line very impactful because that is exactly what the mobile readers will see. There are specific programs like DedicatedMailer which allow you to preview how your subject line renders across a range of email programs and devices.

mobile-friendly emails

3. Make it short and sweet: To be frank, no one has the time to read a lengthy and descriptive email. If the message looks too long, there are high chances that it will get sidelined and will be revisited some other time (which means almost never). Your content should always be easy to skim and you can do this by using bullet points instead of paragraphs. Also, ensure that every paragraph is not more than five to six lines so that people would prefer to read it. Last but not least, always make sure that you cover only one topic per mail rather than squeezing everything into one single mail.

4. Include a call-to-action: By providing a call-to-action (CTA) you are motivating your audience to take that step towards becoming a customer or client. It becomes the determining factor between a lead and a conversion and hence is an important part of your email. Make sure that you add one CTA per email, but include it in at least three places in the form of text, buttons or combination.

5. Segregate your list: In case you are planning to send bulk emails to your customers, make it a point that you do not use the same pitch to all of them. Try to segregate your customers according to their spending habits, locality, interests, etc. and then hit ‘send’. Doing this will also ensure that your customers will feel more connected to you which would in turn help to increase your open rate as well.

Email communication is one of the most traditional yet effective ways of reaching out to your existing as well as potential customers. This method allows you to target multiple customers at a negligible cost which makes it a very productive marketing technique. So, make sure that your email steals the show the next time you are pitching something to your clients.

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