Link Building – an Integral Part of SEO

IF you have a business website, you must be well aware of SEO. Search Engine Optimization is the process of optimizing your website to rank well on search engine results, primarily Google. This process involves picking out keywords that people search for related to you and your services and injecting them in your website and the world wide web to ensure search engines like Google and Bing can verify your authority and rank you higher. It is a basic measure of a website’s health. But to have the best SEO efforts, you must focus both on On-page and Off-page SEO.

On-page SEO refers to the modifications and procedures you apply to your own website. This includes optimizing it for relevant keywords, inserting SEO-friendly features like sitemaps, etc. But another very important aspect of SEO that happens outside your website is backlinks. Backlinks, simply put, are the links across the internet that redirect to your website. These links should be on an outside source, on a domain with good authority. All the processes that determine the value of your SEO efforts are based on quality rather than quantity. So let’s learn more about link building.

What’s Link Building, and What does it do?

As the name suggests, link building is a process of building. You make an effort to insert hyperlinks that link back to your website. The process of search engine crawling involves crawling the links between individual pages on the website and links between the rest of the World Wide Web and your page to determine what is a good link. These factors count a lot when you’re trying to organically rank your website or pages.

Sites with more backlinks have better domain authority, resulting in a better search engine ranking. There are many methods of link building, some are more complicated than others, but there are easier ways too. The thing is, the complicated ones will fetch you quality results too. The value of the domain on which you have your link published makes all the difference. For example, having a backlink on Thomas Cook’s website will be much more authoritative than having it on some individual travel blogger’s website.

Importance of Link Building

SEO puts in technical agendas and standards for your website to do well on SERPs. But the whole idea is to provide the user with a high-quality experience, which is why all this SEO is geared towards determining a top-notch website. For that, having a well-made quality website makes all the difference. If your website is good, users will want to spend time there and share it with the world.

Link-building strategies should be focused on earning good links from high-value websites. This makes your website looks good and respectable. Think of it as digital word-of-mouth marketing.

Black Hat vs White Hat SEO

Like briefly mentioned above, there are easy ways of doing this, and there are complicated ways. The major difference comes in the quality of results. When a website goes through SEO processes, it is a long-term investment of efforts. People looking for instant results and traffic should consider SEM (Search Engine Marketing), which is a more direct and instant approach. But SEO should be for organic health and long-term results.

Black Hat and White Hat SEO are terms given to shortcut methods and genuine methods. White Hat SEO involves organic link building through legitimate websites and partners with good content. These links are appreciated by Google, but they take time to enforce and establish. White Hat SEO practices include…

  • Guest posting
  • Promoting content
  • Infographics
  • Online relationships
  • Commenting and being visible in the community on other websites
  • Using website directories
  • Working with influencers

Black Hat SEO, however, involves unethical and shortcut practices to make your website rank higher on SERPs. If the methods are figured out by Google (and it likely will), the website gets hit with a manual penalty in due time. These Black Hat methods include…

  • Hidden links
  • Link scheming
  • Doorway pages
  • Keyword stuffing
  • Automatically generated content
  • Abusing structured data
  • Spamming

There are many ways in which link building can change the landscape of your business over time. It is best to indulge in healthy practices in the early stages of your web presence. If you are looking for professional management of such services, BM Consulting can help you out. Contact us today for exceptional digital marketing services offered by industry experts with vast experience and a portfolio of effective results!

For getting more information regarding Search Engine Optimization, you may contact us or visit our website

**This blog is compiled by Divyanshu Gupta

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