Know the 5 mistakes for a brand to avoid when using Amazon marketing services

Amazon Marketing Services is very important for brands to get people in their stores and achieve high conversion rates. But, once you have launched an AMS campaign, there is a lot of work that needs to be done. You need to monitor your activities carefully and try getting the best possible results.

According to what we have searched, these are the biggest mistakes that a brand can make when they use Amazon Marketing Services.

5 Mistakes while doing Amazon Marketing Services

Here are the 5 mistakes a brand must avoid when using Amazon Marketing Services –

1. Setting up an Amazon Marketing Services Campaign and forgetting about it 

The easy part is creating a campaign and launching it. But, what is dangerous is to assume that extra conversions will happen automatically. If you want to make the most money out of your advertisement costs, you need to examine the campaign’s data and look up all your faults and good parts so that you know what works and what doesn’t.

Amazon Marketing Services gives us detailed methods for reporting for each campaign of ours. After a campaign has been launched and is all set up and running, some keywords and performances are to be adjusted and analysed in order to make more efficient ones.

2. Not paying attention to Automatic Targeting Options

When you use automatic targeting, you do not need to add your own keywords. Amazon does this on its own and targets these ads to whichever customer it suits the most. These ads are sent to relevant customers who want similar products and product information, and this helps you reach your targets well. But, this method depends a lot on how much Amazon’s Average Cost Per Click (ACPC) for ads works. If this is used, then you get more ads when you insert your own keywords. You should also learn which keywords are being used by customers in order to find your products, and then use them in your ads by adding them manually. In the start, it is better to use automatic targeting for at least a month.

3. Not making effective use of the Customer Search Term Report

The AMS Customer Search Term Report lets you know what people ask about your products, all their doubts and concerns regarding the products. This will help boost your keywords. This data helps you find out which search terms are most used by shoppers.

Each brand has a different vision, separate goals. But, they all have common data points that you might want to catch up on and use in your searches. You must keep an eye on the report, which includes impression volume, branded searches, unbranded searches, sales, CPC and CTR. If you keep notice of this, it will help your ads reach the right people with the best ways.

4. Not describing your campaign name properly 

By using Amazon Marketing Services, brands are able to run multiple campaigns at once. You must keep your campaign name extremely descriptive, yet precise. It must let the customers know your product and be clear about it, as well as the ad campaign. Include information like brand names, dates, product descriptions, and AMS ad campaign types. This lets the people know about the products that are being advertised without actually having to click the campaign.

5. Not running your ads for the whole year

You may think that it is better to run ads for the time of the year when it is most relevant, but that is a false notion. You should advertise products whenever you can, as they can be used at any time, by any ad for leverage. If you post your campaigns for a long time, it targets shoppers with your ads and it also helps learn about which keywords and trends work the most. It allows you to figure out what works for your products and what doesn’t.


There is no such thing as ‘perfect’ in an ad campaign. You must use everything you can and every tool that is there in order to make your campaigns as good as possible. Make the most out of Amazon Marketing Services.


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