Is SEO still relevant?

Is SEO still relevant?

Change is inevitable. Evolution is a natural way of the world. What was once useful and important may lose its relevance over time and become obsolete. New ways and strategies of living life may emerge and eventually become irrelevant; thus, the cycle will continue. Though this may be true, it doesn’t apply to SEO. SEO is here to stay for many more years to come.

According to research, approximately 328.77 million terabytes of content are produced daily. Where there is content, there will be optimization of content as well. Hence, unless we see a major dip in these numbers, which is highly unlikely to happen, SEO has a long and bright future.

Why is SEO important?

SEO is important in making the internet a reliable platform for users to solve their queries. SEO helps search engines determine and categorize the content you have produced to serve the users better by searching for particular information. With SEO, search engines can appropriately rank your web content for the target audience to find what they are looking for.

By using the right SEO strategies in your content, you can increase the visibility of your content and acquire a place at the top of the SERPs. That is not to say that you should solely rely on SEO and create persuasive content to boost traffic to your website.

SEO should just be one aspect of your content creation process, and your prime focus should be delivering unique and helpful content that benefits the readers in some way. The latest Google Algorithm emphasizes accurate and quality content rather than merely SEO-strategized content.

What is the latest Google Algorithm update for 2023?

Google released a core update on Google Algorithms on March 28, 2023. A core update is when Google changes the search algorithms and systems significantly. It would be best if you stayed up to date with Google’s latest updates to make the most out of the content to improve your website reach and drive traffic.

According to the latest update, to rank well in search engines, you should put out highly valuable and relevant content that users seek. Google algorithms prioritize ranking content based on its value to the reader’s life.

The changes mainly focus on improving the systems to assess overall content better. These changes may work in favor of the web pages that were under-rewarded previously and gain more visibility in the SERPs.

What are the latest SEO strategies for 2023?

  • Be experienced

Google’s popular EAT (Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness) acronym has seen a new addition as of December 2022, and it has now become EEAT. The additional E represents the author’s experience creating content in a specific niche.

So with this update, your content’s accessibility will be determined based on your experience, amongst other factors.

It means the content creator should have real-life experience with the content they produce, gain experience in their field of interest and create valuable content.

  • Target audience over traffic

The increased emphasis on the experience of the author’s knowledge is for the system to assess if they are producing relevant content the users are looking for.

Because many businesses write blogs on the latest trends that might be completely irrelevant to their target audience, they might do so solely to drive traffic to their website.

Curbing such inauthentic practices and prioritizing the users’ needs are some of the main goals of the Google Algorithm.

  • Introduce authors to the readers.

Engaging readers with the author’s background builds trust among users. It also allows the reader to know their author’s expertise and knowledge in the field.

Also, link author pages that contain other articles by the author to make them easily accessible to the readers.

You can also add social media links of the author to make Google understand through social signals that they are an expert and experienced in their field.

  • Use AI to your advantage

The influence of AI in our personal and professional lives has increased within the last year, and it is likely to grow even more. Integrating AI into your SEO strategies will greatly help you rank well in the search engines.

Enhance your content as per the SEO trends, speed up your content creation process, and improve its quality to better suit user needs.

  • Utilize SEO Automation tools

In light of the improvement of SEO Automation tools, it is smart to leverage it to its optimum, reduce workflow, and focus on the more important aspects of content creation. The surge in automation tools has reduced tasks that consumed more time and produced lesser results. With the help of SEO tools, you can generate results in minutes and further strategize content to produce a more effective result.

Wrapping Up

Google has been consistently raising its standards for content. Hence, to effectively cope with its growing standards, businesses, and content creators should constantly update their knowledge to better cater to the needs of the present crowd!

For getting more information regarding SEO Strategies, you may contact us or visit our website


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