How the Pandemic has Affected the Social Media Marketing Industry

Social Media Marketing

The coronavirus pandemic has wreaked havoc on the entire world in the past few months. To contain the spread of the virus, governments are forced to confine people to their homes. Doing this has brought unprecedented changes in the work-life balance for many. Internet usage has seen a huge surge during this lockdown, which has changed the face of social media marketing.

Before this ongoing pandemic, social media marketing was pretty simple. All you had to do was figure out the target audience, identify the time frame during which they use the social media platforms and advertise your products accordingly.

As compared to the pre-pandemic times, the number of hours spent by people on social media platforms has increased exponentially. All this has led to a drastic change in the behavior of people as well as their buying patterns. However, due to the enforced lockdowns on the public, these strategies are no longer the ‘only’ way to get your business to new heights.

For example, before this crisis, the best time to post on Facebook was on Wednesday at 11 a.m. and between 1 to 2 p.m. However, due to worldwide lockdown, the best time for posting is on Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 10 to 11 a.m.

Nowadays, people are more inclined towards reading creative content, especially in the form of videos. This has opened up new doors for businesses to try something new and engage the customer by offering entertaining and unique content that not only showcases their products and services but also enhances their brand value.

The New Normal

With millions of users spending hours daily browsing and communicating through social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, social media marketing has become an essential factor for recovery for most businesses. As a matter of fact, numerous brands that used to rely on offline methods for running their business are now finding ways to go online and sustain in this difficult situation.

In post-pandemic times, user-generated content has become a great way for marketers to improve their sales without putting a lot of stress on their budget. This type of content will help to increase your social media presence organically as more people are now spending time online sharing different types of posts and articles.

Way To Cost-efficient Advertising

If you are a company that is waiting for increasing your investment in marketing, then this is the right time to do so! Competition has decreased drastically in this pandemic as many companies have failed to do business during this period. However, there are some who have carefully analyzed this situation and have used it to their advantage. After all, Warren Buffet has right said it – Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.

Cost-efficient Social Media Advertising has become the key to progress amidst the ongoing crisis. With great and engaging content, attracting people to your website and products has become an easy task as the number of social media users has increased dramatically.

Due to the surge in the usage of social media, marketers are now relying more on digital display ads as a means to promote their products. For a platform like Facebook, average CPC and CPM rates have dropped by a huge margin. This shows that display advertising can prove to be very effective as the prices are low and the number of people online is at an all-time high.


In spite of the havoc this pandemic has created globally, now is the ideal time for businesses to mold themselves according to the changing social media habits of their consumers and use it for their benefit. With the threat of an impending second wave, people are more concerned about where their money is going.

If you wish to progress in spite of the degrading market condition, then you need to strengthen your brand value by being creative and reliable. You can do this by granting promotional offers or by allowing flexibility in payment to your consumer in order to create a positive image of your brand.

Social Media Marketing is something that undergoes constant changes according to the current market scenario. Improvising your strategies so that they are in line with the current trends is the key to remain afloat even after the pandemic.

For further information on  Social Media Marketing, you may contact us or visit our website

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