World Wide Web – something which actually completes your identity today! It is the basis of an online presence for any industry, a direct view of the company to the consumers. A website creates a first impression in the mind of the online customer and therefore it is very very important. Website impression is especially important for the health care firms as the customers are in medical need. An immediate impact is required on the users so that conversion is more obvious. If you are wondering why your online marketing doesn’t catch the grip, then it is of high probability that something is not quite right about your website impression. This article lays out some crucial components of a website for the health industry.

  1. Testimonials – Testimonials are your exclusive benefits and definitely require elite display on your website. What your previous patients have experienced and gained from your clinic/treatments/procedures has a strong effect on the users’ mind-set. Keep your recommendations highlighted. Make sure they are short and exact, so that they communicate effectively.
  1. Review – Stack together all the positive words you have collected from peers/seniors/media. Highlight these appropriately on your website. All the star ratings collected from social media sites or portals make a great impact on the online users. Save a space for these on your site too. 

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  1. Forms – Having online forms is a necessary feature of web marketing. It gives your users an open platform to communicate and gives the amenity of immediate reporting/inquiring. Having an automated response to all filled forms improves the chances of conversion since it keeps the customer bounded with you. 
  1. Online Appointment – Every individual today is looking out to save time, and this scenario becomes more important in health issues. Improve your online presence as a doctor and give your patients the luxury of online appointment through your website. Customer delight results in retention as well as referral traffic. 

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  1. Case Studies – Case studies matter a lot for someone who is medically unfit. Put them on your website to attract more patients. These create a trust within the client for you and he believes that you will be the right option for his treatment. For any surgery related studies, it is a good idea to add on some images of the before and after cases.
  1. Location – An online user may be searching for the nearest clinic in case of an emergency. Or he may just be checking out the nearest location for a general check-up. In both cases, it is an advantage if your location is displayed on your site. A displayed location increases the chances of door step traffic.

 Some other common points that should be kept in mind are to reduce the content (especially on the landing pages), include graphics that are calm and health provoking, make a simple website architecture and highlight your specialities. Small changes and improvements such as those mentioned above will help you in drastically improving traffic, sales and customer satisfaction.

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