Getting traffic on your website through social media

Getting traffic on your website through social media

Social media has become one of the most favorite pass times of people across the globe. Every individual these days has an account on at least one of the social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. This tells us about the popularity of these platforms and their craze in the general public.

Social media allows you to engage with your target audience with the help of informative and visually appealing content. Businesses are using this content to divert traffic to their websites. Social media not only helps them to build brand recognition but also helps them develop a strong customer base.

Below are a few ways by which you can effectively bring traffic to your website with the help of these platforms:

1. Optimize Your Profile: Your social media profile is the face of your business and hence it should be complete with crisp content and an effective logo. Remember that your profile shows the visitors what you do, which makes it a great spot to drop some backlinks to your website. Backlinking gives the visitors a chance to click-through and see what you are all about.

Optimize your profile

2. Publish Exclusive Content: Say that you are on the verge of launching a new product and you want people to know about it. In such a case, instead of advertising on all the available social media platforms, you can announce your new product only on a single platform, like Facebook for example. Exclusivity can encourage more people to visit your website.

Try to time-bound a certain post to keep it exclusive. For example, if you have taken an interview of some expert in your field, post the link to that video on a specific social media platform and keep that link active for just a day or two. This will encourage more people to visit your website and watch the video before the link expires.

Publish exclusive content

3. Focus on Posting Visual Content: Writing a large post about your business and putting it up on social media is not enough to engage with your visitors. Did you know that visual content is 40 times more likely to get shared on social media than any other type of content? Also, tweets with more images receive 150% more retweets than those without.

The numbers above are a clear indication of how powerful visual content can be for your business. You can include some interesting photos, videos, graphs as well as animations in your post to make it more visually appealing to your visitors. This will encourage your visitors to visit your website and share your posts.

4. Time Your Posts Smartly: Though it is true that posting content on social media will help to engage with more people, it is also true that if you don’t post on correct timings, then all your efforts go in vain. The best time to post on social media is when your target audience is the most active.

There are different tools available in the market that can help you to analyze your target audience and come up with the best time to post on different platforms. You can always experiment to find out what time brings in most click-throughs once you are fully established.

Time your posts smartly

5. Consistently Engage with Your Audience: Instead of relying on automated processes to engage with your customers, you should always try to connect with them on a personal level. Remember that people like it when they get special attention and care from a business. This makes your brand reliable in their eyes and in turn, leads to more sales.

Consistently engage with your audience

You can hire a social media manager who will always be there to respond to a potential customer’s quick question or to assist a long-time customer. When you direct followers to your site, make sure that their query gets solved. In addition to this, make sure that you match the right page to ensure a happy customer.

Since millions of people operate these platforms on an everyday basis, they have become a launching pad for businesses to put forth their products and services in front of the world. Social media offers a business an opportunity to brief the people about their product, without having to spend much money. Thus, every possible effort should be taken to divert the attention of your visitors to your website.

For further information, you may contact us or visit our website

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