Email marketing for the eCommerce business industry

Email marketing is an old school method of digital marketing that has not lost its significance even in today’s world. This method of marketing has proven to be reliable as well as profitable means of getting sales for numerous online retailers across the globe.

Email marketing helps you to develop meaningful relationships with your existing customers and allows you to gain their trust. You can use this technique to create awareness about your latest offers and products among your customers. However, this is just one side of the coin. Email marketing does have its own set of drawbacks that can catapult you back to the start line if you do not address them properly.

Even though sending a quick email is free of cost thing, launching an email marketing campaign can get pricey. In addition to this, if your emails are not properly designed and do not target the proper audience, it might affect your business in a negative way. To prevent this and to make your email marketing campaign impactful, the following is a list of few changes that you can incorporate in your marketing strategy and boost your conversion rate:

  1. Create a buyer’s list: It is pivotal to have a buyer’s list for online sellers because it allows them to know different things about their customers. For instance, having a buyer’s list will give you the names of people who have already bought from you and are willing to spend on your brand.

This list will also tell you about the interests and buying patterns of your customers. You can use this information to avoid sending unrelated emails and offers to your customers. You will be able to send relevant emails to the right person and it will help to increase your open rate. In addition to this, people will stop marking your emails as spam and your deliverability rate will also increase.

  1. Send A Welcome Email: Just like we feel impressed and flattered when someone welcomes us in person, customers who are new to your brand feel connected when you send them a personalized welcome email. Though you can have a pre-written auto-generated welcome email, personalizing it with your subscriber name helps to build a one-to-one relationship with them and increases their engagement in your brand.

You can customize your welcome email by offering a discount coupon for the newcomers or you can pitch in some free content about your business that makes them go through your website. As a precaution, avoid asking for personal information in the welcome email as the customer might get suspicious and may never come back.

  1. Set Up Abandoned Cart Emails: According to a study, around 70% of shoppers abandon their carts at checkout. Abandon cart emails are a perfect choice for reminding your customers that they have not yet completed their purchase and bring them back to your site to complete it

Abandoned cart emails are profitable because you send them only to those customers who have shown buying intent from your brand. You can entice your customers into completing the purchase by adding a discount coupon in your email. Also, the timing of sending these emails affects your conversion rate. An abandoned cart email sent in the first 30 minutes increases your chances of conversion than an email sent later.


  1. Keep A Mobile-Friendly Layout: In today’s world, people prefer doing most of their work-related tasks on-the-go and checking emails is no exception to that. Mobile devices are the handiest and widely used means of checking emails and account for almost 46% of all email openings. For this reason, you need to create mobile-friendly email campaigns that are easier to read.

While designing a mobile-friendly email, you need to ensure that your layout does not require the customer to pinch and zoom the content in order to understand it. Try to develop a crisp and innovative design that your customers will find easy to interpret. To do this, you can use the pre-existing template or you can create a new one with the help of an external tool.


  1. Offer Loyalty Benefits: Regular customers are a dependable source of income for any business, especially in the eCommerce industry. If a group of people is buying your products frequently, then it shows that they have faith in your products and they trust your brand. It is your duty to do something special for this group in order to strengthen the relationship.


Loyalty programs are the best way to honour the trust of these customers. You can develop customized email campaigns for your regular customers and shower them with benefits that would make them continue on their shopping spree with your brand. Making such customers aware of their special status will also encourage them to spread the word about your brand, which will indirectly boost your conversion rate.

  1. Keep Testing Your Email Campaigns: Email marketing is something that can become redundant after a while. If you stick to the same design, content and promotional offers, people will get bored with your brand and will move on to a new one. To avoid this, you need to constantly change your email campaigns according to the market scenario, buying patterns, technological advances etc.

You can improvise your email by changing the text in your mail or by using innovative images that steal the attention of the customer. Whatever changes you make, test your campaigns regularly in order to find the most profitable one for your business.


Email marketing should be the top priority for an online retailer. If you have been using email marketing to increase your business, try to incorporate the above-mentioned ideas into your strategy to make it more productive and dependable. Always remember this proverb when it comes to marketing – “old is gold”. Even in these times where Facebook, Instagram marketing is on the rise, a well-designed and well-directed email marketing strategy will never miss its target.


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