Captions for visuals – appropriate enhancement for your graphical content

Captions for Visuals

What is the first thing you notice when you look at a photo? Is it the photo itself or the caption that is written below it? According to a study, most people tend to look at the photos and then at the captions after which they decide whether or not the story is worth reading. Having said this, the importance of a caption cannot be sidelined because it gives the viewers brief information about that image which is otherwise missing from it. Captioning an image is important in every field and that includes marketplaces as well. The Enhanced Brand Content on Amazon is a feature that allows you to put enhanced images and content about your product. If a seller fails to convey the exact details about that product in its caption, then the customer would find it difficult to understand about that product and might just skip to some different seller leading to your decline in sales.

Following are a few tips which can help you easily understand the process of captioning for image enhancement:

1. Write nothing but the truth: This is one of the basic steps that you can follow while captioning any image. If the content is not authentic, then the image is bound to lose credibility which can adversely affect your brand image as well. So before captioning any image, always ensure that everything you mention in the caption is accurate and authentic. In case you are unsure about the text, it is better to leave the image without any caption rather than writing something about which you have no clue. For example, in the image given below, mention the free voucher only if it is still valid. If the customer finds out that the validity has expired, then it might negatively affect your business.

Write nothing but the truth


2. Describe what cannot be deduced from the image: If your caption describes the things that are already visible in the photo, then the caption becomes useless.  For example, if you are a seller who is selling an office chair and you have advertised the image given below with the caption – “Comfortable and useful office chair” then it becomes quite useless because it is pretty evident from the image that it is an office chair. However, if you caption it – “ Ergonomic office chair with push back mechanism and height adjustment” then the customer would understand that this chair offers other features as well which cannot be deduced from the image.

Describe what cannot be deduced from the image

3. Write according to your target audience: If you are writing for a specific audience, then utilize the jargon which that the audience uses. For instance, if you are selling children’s toys, then your image caption should contain funky and playful words so that the children can understand it without any difficulty. Kindly refer to the example given below:

Write according to your target audience

4. Ask questions: To increase the reader engagement, keep asking questions along with your images. These questions can be open-ended, yes/no questions, etc. Doing this encourages the reader to comment on your photo, especially if you are advertising on a social media platform. And with increased engagement, the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your site also improves which results in increased sales. National Geographic’s Instagram page is one of the best when it comes to user engagement.

Ask questions

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Images are a great medium to communicate with people when it comes to building your brand and hence it becomes of paramount importance to enhance these images and caption them appropriately. Science admits that brain processes images faster than any other type of data. Thus, if you are looking for an ideal way to communicate with your customers, then graphical content is the best option to do so. Just follow the above-mentioned tips and you will notice a significant increase in your sales and productivity.

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