Basic Concepts of the Google AdWords Tool

Google AdWords is an advertising service through which advertisers can promote their products by publishing on Google and its advertising network. If you use Google AdWords smartly, it will generate quality leads and customers for your business. It is important to know the basics of Campaigns, ads, keywords and most important to learn ad ranks and quality score.


Google AdWords Account – For using AdWords tool, you have to create an AdWords account, simply login with Gmail. Once you login you can create campaigns using relevant keywords, which you can research using the keywords planner tool. AdWords provides keyword planner tool to select the keywords which provides best results

Keyword planner tool – Keywords are the basic building blocks for any ads. These are the very search-terms that are used by users when searching through the internet, which ultimately drive traffic to your website. Through Keyword researching you can get relevant Keywords for your campaigns.

Campaigns – Once you have sorted out relevant keywords, build your campaign using these keywords. While creating campaigns you need to select the location (where your product or service is available to customers) and bidding (the amount of money you are planning to spend in a day for each keyword). Choose location and bidding wisely to generate quality leads.

Under one campaign many ad groups can be created and under ad group, ads are created. Ads are an important factor in all campaigns because customers interact directly with Ads. While creating ad groups you have to enter address of your landing page, which forms the port of consumer attraction and traffic collection.

Landing Page – When a user clicks on your ads it is redirected to a page that page is called as a landing page. According to Google’s guidelines, landing page should match with search terms or keywords. As ranking of ad is highly depended upon relevancy of ads

Ad Rank – Ranking of ads is based on maximum cost per click (CPC). Whenever anyone clicks on ad the amount is charged for one click is defined as the cost per click. Generally, higher the bid amount higher will be the ad position. Ad rank is calculated on two components one is bid amount and the other is quality scores.

Quality Scores – It is one of the important factors to determine ad ranks. Google determines relevancy of keyword and landing page, if both are highly relevant than preference will be given to most relevant ad in deciding ranking. Even if any advertiser is paying maximum cost but if his ad relevancy is lesser then his ad may not mandatory rank first. On the other hand, if any advertiser’s ad relevancy is very high but paying lesser amount than required for first ranking may achieve highest rank.

Now, your ad is ready, google takes some time to approve your ad before it goes live. Monitoring of campaign should be done to find out which ad or AdWords group is bringing more conversion, also find what keywords attracting customers to visit your site. Then, use those keywords more shrewdly in building more potential ads.

When it comes to adWords, keyword research and keyword analysis play a very crucial role. Next comes in the landing page which must be strong enough to hold your customers that have arrived through advertisement. Apart from Google Adwords, SEO also gives potential results for online marketing. Take a look at some SEO strategies and SEO tips. You may contact us for any further insights.

 Compiled by: Meghna Sahu

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