Analysis Strategies for Effective SEO

Search engine optimisation is a technique to improve visibility of website in search engine. There are certain departments under SEO that need special analysis attention. Some of those shall be discussed herewith.


Keyword Analysis – Keyword analysis is indispensable for effective SEO. Relevant and correct use of keyword is valuable and helps in acquiring quality traffic. For obtaining relevant traffic, broad match or long tail keywords are suggested. Although keyword research is time consuming but tools like keyword planner and analytics may help in finding right keyword.

Keyword analysis leads to following advantages

  • By analysing the right keyword it becomes easy to allocate more budgets to that keyword and perform spend optimization.
  • Helps in achieving more conversions and return on investment.
  • Helpful in generating more leads


Website Analysis – To improve website effectiveness, analysis of website is mandatory. It helps in measuring the amount of traffic reaches your website also from which location, of what age and sex, or we can say helps in market researching. It also helps in finding which page has more view and which has lesser view. Pages with lesser view can be analysed effectively, so that views can be improved and hence traffic.

You can perform Website Analysis by analysing on page factors of website, it should follow google guidelines:

  • Website structure, URL structure should be google readable
  • Usage of relevant Keywords, at right places and rule of keyword density should be follow
  • If you are using images, optimisation of images is required
  • No copied content is permissible and content should be relevant


Competitive Analysis – Competitive analysis is necessary to study about strength and weakness of competitor. Your competitor’s analysis help you in reaching possible customers and it is directly related to return on investment factor.  Your competitor is one who is ranking in google search ranking.

Following analysis can be done –

  • By studying thoroughly what keywords they are using and the way they are using those keywords so that they are ranking. There are many keyword tools are available like keyword analyser which improve analysis.
  • Check your competitor Backlinks using seoprofiler tool, you can find how many links pointing to their website also you can find the domain which are pointing them and with which anchor text.
  • PPC – Pay per click ads of your competitor can be analysed using various tools. What keywords they are using in their ads and how their ads are performing as compared to your ad.

Backlink Analysis – Links pointing to your website from other websites are referred to as backlinks. Backlinks are one of the biggest factors that help in improving ranking of websites. Ranking of website does not depend upon number of backlinks that have been created; it largely depends upon quality of backlinks. Backlinks from high ranking and relevant website are counted as quality backlinks. If any website with poor ranking points to your site, it can harm the performance of your website. To monitor such issues, management of backlinks needs to be done.

Backlink monitoring can be done using website monitoring

  • Link management tools are very helpful in monitoring backlinks by providing nature of backlinks whether it is no-follow or do-follow, its page rank, automatic notification if any changes are made to links and many other features.
  • If any spammy link is found, it can be removed using disavow tool. This feature is available at google webmaster tool. Disavow tool should only be used when you are sure links are spammy as incorrect use of this tool may give negative result to your website’s result.

Monitoring Backlinks and analysis process is very effective from SEO perspective. If perform all the above discuss techniques with accurately and sincerely, a large amount of quality traffic can be acquired.

Compiled by: Meghna Sahu

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