5 Big Mistakes to Avoid in Social Media Marketing

Marketing has existed since products have existed. Whenever there has been something to sell in the market, there also have been efforts to sell it in the most elegant, era-appropriate manner. From the magazine, newspaper features, and billboard advertisements, to television ads, the world of marketing has moved forward at light-speed.

When the internet came into play, people thought it wouldn’t last that long as a mainstay. Then social media came along, and people thought the same thing. That notion certainly didn’t last long since social media took over the world as we know it. Making the world an even smaller place helps the expansion of global trade even more.

Nowadays, targeted ads and the use of savvy youthful language online has modernized marketing. Companies have started to employ social media marketing specialists and focus on making the most of this flexible medium. It costs significantly less and involves a lot of strategizing. This creates an equal opportunity for products and services that resonate with crowds more to do better.

However, even social media professionals can get a little ahead of themselves and try too many things. Social Media Marketing favors good engaging content, which is why it is essential to pay attention to the metrics and performance of your ads. There are so many things that one must avoid while using social media for marketing. Let’s take a look at some of these common mistakes.

1. Trying Too Hard to be Multi-Platform

Social media is now an umbrella term for so many different platforms, all equally influential and essential. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc., each have their own specific demographic and style of audience. They also each have their own ways of reaching the targeted audience and algorithms to follow. This can make it exceedingly difficult to perform equally well on all platforms. Depending on your product, style, and reach, the platforms you do well, will vary. A lot of people are guilty of trying to promote similar content on all media.

2. Confusion about Target Audience

This is something that a lot of lifestyle brands are guilty of. For B2B products and businesses, the target audience is pretty straightforward. For many other types of companies, a lot of confusion can lead to misuse of targeted marketing budget. The best campaigns are the ones that are targeted to a very specific demographic. These ads give you the best outcomes for the budget, and the returns are actually worth it.

3. Inconsistency with Posting

Social media marketing is not just about targeted ads. It’s about creating an online persona, an image that people relate or connect with. This means that regular posting on the platforms is a must. This is how you engage with the audience that already follows you. Companies understand this and start off with a head of steam where they post consistently for a while and then lose touch. To avoid this, regular posting of good content must be made a point. This regular posting is what keeps your online engagement in check. Losing that momentum can seriously hamper your overall reach, even when it comes to ad performances.

4. Dealing with Comments

When you post regularly on social media, people are going to comment on the posts. There is so much that this form of engagement could mean. If it is positive feedback, respond to comments with gratitude. If it’s negative feedback, reply to the comments with understanding and acknowledgment of faults, or just sincere, humble explanations putting your point forward. If it’s derogatory, use wits to put the foul engagement in place. Regardless of the type of comment, it is essential to stay engaged and respond because this encourages more people to react and comment on your content.

5. Underutilizing the Content Real Estate

This means that sometimes when you’re posting, you can be guilty of not using the full potential of a post. The text and the images can be packed with a lot of meaningful content. The combination can work wonders if done right. Sometimes a disconnection can be noticed between the textual and visual content. The tip here is to use relatable language and trending visual content. Finding a way to tie this all together is what the job of a professional is.

For further information on  Social Media Marketing, you may contact us or visit our website www.bmconsulting.in

****************This blog is compiled by Divyanshu Gupta***************

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